Saturday, August 23, 2008


More wildflowers from seed I threw down.

Poppy in full bloom

My idea of planting flowers is to throw down a bag of wildflower seeds. Here's one of my wildflowers. I think it's a poppy~!

So Green This Year

Here's a look at part of my back yard from the south west. I sure love this yard.

Day before they fledged.....

Here are four baby bluebirds one day before they left the nest.

Monday, August 18, 2008

He Emerges~!

Here's my Monarch butterfly after the worm slept in his chrysalis for 10 days. Isn't he/she/it beautiful?

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Louie gets a first-ever Fur Cut~!

What an incredible difference~! Take special note of his PAWS~!~!


Friday, August 01, 2008

Chomp Chomp Chomp~!

Click to see it full size .... Here's my future Monarch butterfly dining on my milkweed plant in my front yard garden. Here's a video of him eating~! Enjoy~!
And here's one of the butterfly he became later.

Peacocks on Log Cabin

I pulled off Farwell Bridge Road, next to the Pecatonica River, while on my way home one night from work. What I saw surprised me: four peacocks roosting on the roof of a cabin just off FBR. I called to them (OK, Ok, yes, I talk to animals) and they were mostly fearless. One came very close. It's too bad it wasn't sunny.....

Monarch Butterfly Caterpillar

Here's a picture of a monarch butterly caterpillar who decided to make my front yard garden, which has several milkweek plants, his home. I am hoping he will spin a cocoon and come out a beautiful butterly. Watch for updates and more information about my Monarch.

For more information, this is a really good site:

For fun, here's another pic: